

C-RISK& operates through a mirrored system consisting of Canadian and Host Country elements:
(1) Canadian Framework (SURIX!CA™): This consists of C-RISK, Canadian Crown Corporations, insurers, reinsurers, guarantors, reconstruction agencies.
(2) Host Country Framework (iSURIX!™): This consists of C-RISK, SOE, insurers, reinsurers, guarantors, financial institutions and Export Credit Agencies.

Under Surix!ca the actors are the banks under BIPS and under PITCapit®. C-RISK is required to maintain an independent partner network of insurance and assurance companies that are capable of providing adequate insurance, bonding and surety coverage to the ultimate clients of its captive clients. Insurance, bonding and surety coverages for Canadian risks are provided through SURIX!CA™. Coverages for non-Canadian risks are provided by iSURIX!™ through a network of insurance, bonding and surety providers in the host country.

SPIV-CA™ is a securitisation compliance product that is available exclusively to Conscribe-It! ™ and Infrabanx Network™. SPIV-CA™ in conjunction with C-RISK’s other propriety products namely SURIX!CA™, iSURIX!™, imailex™ and Keymenization™ have been created to undertake Canadian risk investment securitisation, risk management, risk mitigation and transfer, as well as, real-time data protection and preservation, disclosure and asset tracking. SPIV-CA™ may be used to enhance, enforce, ensure compliance, certify, supplement and reinforce export credit agencies, insurers and reinsurers, underwriters and financial institutions, governments and private investors, position with respect to their investment relating to economic development and trade activities.